Affirmations are a great ‘tool’ to work on replacing our old unwanted negative or harmful beliefs. Affirmations are positive statements that we say to ourselves or that we can listen to, in order to reprogram our mind with new positive thoughts and beliefs. The long-term objective is to learn to think positive. The goal is to choose general affirmations or to write case specific affirmations that reflect our new desired beliefs. These affirmations must be written and said in the present tense, with a strong positive message and intonation. One must practice their affirmations every day, several times a day. To start one must develop a routine that includes saying or listening to affirmations every morning and every night.
The key is to flood our mind with positivity. Thus, repetition is essential.
The key is to flood our mind with positivity. Thus, repetition is essential.
The more we’brainwash’ ourselves with these affirmations the better and faster our subconscious mind will be imprinted with our new desired beliefs. In scientific terminology, it is called ‘neuroplasticity’ (or brain plasticity – it is the ability of the brain to modify its connections or re-wire itself) thus, what we are doing is ‘re-wiring’ our mind. We are changing the links and pathways of our old ways of thinking or habitual patterns of thoughts. The aim is to develop a new consciousness and to create new neuropathways regarding the important areas of our life, such as health, relationships, finances, work or business. In order to see results and to stay on course, we need to develop a clear plan of what must be done. The best way is to have a daily schedule and to follow that same schedule every day in order to develop a positive pattern/habit.
Do not believe anyone that tells you that you can manifest or change a negative belief with little or no effort. It is just not true, it takes work and dedication. A strong mental discipline is what we need. Do not give up when results do not come as fast as you would like. We have to stick to the program until we see positive results. The idea is to understand and believe in the working of the mind in order to see the desired outcome. Thus, once we know the truth of how the mind works we do not need to worry about the ‘how or when’ our desire is going to manifest, we simply need to know it will.
Do not believe anyone that tells you that you can manifest or change a negative belief with little or no effort. It is just not true, it takes work and dedication. A strong mental discipline is what we need. Do not give up when results do not come as fast as you would like. We have to stick to the program until we see positive results. The idea is to understand and believe in the working of the mind in order to see the desired outcome. Thus, once we know the truth of how the mind works we do not need to worry about the ‘how or when’ our desire is going to manifest, we simply need to know it will.
We must imprint our subconscious mind, and in so doing, the object is to not concentrate or worry about the truth of what we are saying in our affirmations. Since the subconscious mind does not know the truth from non-truth, it will take for truth whatever we tell it with emotion and consistency. The most important thing is to understand and believe that we deserve to be happy, loved, healthy and financially free. We have to develop a wealth and prosperity frame of mind and to let go of our poverty and negative state of mind/consciousness.
It is crucial to remember, that we need to say our affirmations with positive feelings and expectancy. To believe in the end goal. Our belief or non-belief in our actual affirmation is not really critical for imprinting our mind, (if we repeat our affirmation(s) enough times we will end up believing) but rather what is truly important is our belief and consciousness of our Divine right to have all the good we want such as health, happiness, love and wealth. The key to succeeding lies in our consciousness regarding what we Divinely deserve. Do we hold a positive or negative frame of mind or consciousness? Do we truly believe in a prosperity/wealth consciousness? If yes, then it is not difficult to say our affirmations with feeling and emotions, even if currently our affirmations do not reflect our reality. But rather they reflect our belief in the outcome and that we Divinely deserve that reality.
Here is a list of affirmations that we can use to reprogram our mind:
Here is a list of affirmations that we can use to reprogram our mind:
God / Faith
‘God’s love, peace, harmony, and wisdom flood my mind and heart. I love the truth, I hear the truth, and I know the truth that God is Love, and His love surrounds me, enfolds me, and enwraps me. God’s river of peace floods my mind, and I give thanks for my freedom. ‘(Joseph Murphy)
‘My faith in God sets me free from all worry, anxiety, and doubt. I release all anxiety, doubt, worry, fear to the power within me and I am filled with love, peace, and joy.’ (Catherine Ponder).
‘I recognize the eternal source of all riches, which never fails.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘God is my supply and my supply is Infinite’
‘All is well, God protects and leads me in all my endeavors.’
‘I am Divinely guided in all my ways, and I adapt myself to all new ideas.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I am at peace inwardly and outwardly at all times.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I am one with God, and God is always successful.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I radiate love and goodwill to all those around me.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I fill my mind and heart with God’s love, power, and energy.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘My inner wisdom guides me to make right decisions and to take the steps necessary to achieve my aspirations.’ (Catherine Ponder)
‘I do not concern myself with any negative appearances. I live my life, knowing my prayers are already answered.’ (Catherine ponder)
‘Infinite Intelligence reveals to me the perfect solution and the perfect idea, for every problem I meet. ‘(Joseph Murphy)
‘My perception of spiritual Truth is clear and powerful. The light of understanding dawns in me; I see more and more of God’s Truth every day. I see spiritually; I see mentally; I see physically. I see images of Truth and Beauty everywhere.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I reject the appearance of things, and I affirm the supremacy of the infinite presence and power within me. I am absorbed and engrossed by the great truth that infinite intelligence is guiding me, that divine right action reigns supreme’. (Joseph Murphy)
‘(insert the name of the person you are praying for…..) is thinking rightly. He is reflecting Divine wisdom and Divine intelligence in all his ways. His mind is the perfect mind of God, unchanging and eternal. He hears the voice of God, which is the inner voice of peace and love. God’s river of peace governs his mind, and he is full of wisdom, poise, balance, and understanding. Whatever is vexing him is leaving him now, and I pronounce him free and at peace.’. (Joseph Murphy)
Praying for the health of one’s child – “Spirit, which is God, is the life of my child. Spirit has no temperature; It is never sick or feverish. The peace of God flows through my child’s mind and body. The harmony, health, love, and perfection of God are made manifest in every atom of my child’s body now. She is relaxed and at ease, poised, serene, and calm. I am now stirring up the gift of God within her, and all is well.” (Joseph Murphy)
‘Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now.’ (Louise Hay)
“The Healing Presence is now going to work, transforming, healing, restoring, and controlling all processes of my body according to Its wisdom and Divine nature. My entire system is cleansed, purified, and quickened by the vitalizing energy of God. Divine circulation, assimilation, and elimination operate in my mind and body. The joy of the Lord is my abiding strength. I am made every whit whole, and I give thanks.” (Joseph Murphy)
“God, you made my (insert what part of your body you want healed ….such as organs, cells, eyes, heart, lungs, hands, legs….) I demand action, I want healing now. Hurry up. Thank you.” (Joseph Murphy)
(ourselves or someone else)
“I fully and freely forgive myself for harboring negative and destructive thoughts, and I resolve to purify my mind from now on. I surrender and release (insert the name and relation to you of the person you are forgiving, for example, my brother Mark, or father, friend….) to God, and wherever he is, I sincerely wish for his health, happiness, and all the blessing of God. I am now aligned with the Infinite Healing Power, and I feel the Divine love flowing through every atom of my being. I know that God’s love is now permeating and saturating my whole body, making me whole and perfect. I sense the peace that passeth understanding. My body is a temple of the living God, and God is in His holy temple and I am free. “(Joseph Murphy)
‘I forgive everyone in my past for all perceived wrongs. I release them with love.’ (Louise Hay)
‘The miraculous healing presence is flowing through me now, permeating every atom of my being. His river of peace flows through my mind and heart, and I am relaxed, poised, serene and calm. I know the divine presence which made me is now restoring me to wholeness and perfection, and I give thanks for the miraculous healing, which is taking place now.’ (Joseph Murphy)
Wealth /Success
“I can do all things, through the God power which strengthens, guides, controls and directs me. I realize that I am going where my vision is. I now turn with faith and confidence to the Infinite Intelligence within me, knowing that I am directed by an inner wisdom. I know in my heart that the God-power flows through the patterns of thought and imagery in my mind, and I am under a Divine compulsion to succeed.” (Joseph Murphy)
‘I deserve the best and accept it now.’ (Catherine Ponder)
‘With God’s guidance, my life is filled with joyous successes and rich abundance. I release all feelings of lack and limitation and joyfully accept blessings of joy and abundance.’ (Catherine Ponder)
‘All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation, only good will come. I am safe!’ (Louise Hay)
‘Infinite Intelligence is constantly revealing to me better ways to serve my fellow man.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I am guided and directed to create products that will bless and help humanity.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I attract men and women who are spiritual, loyal, faithful, and talented, and who contribute to the peace, prosperity, and progress of my business.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I am an irresistible magnet and attract fabulous wealth by giving the best possible quality of products and services.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘Infinite Intelligence governs all my plans and purposes, and I predicate all my success on the truth that God leads, guides, and governs me in all my undertakings.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘All those connected with me are spiritual links in my growth, welfare, and prosperity. I give all honor and glory to God.’ (Joseph Murphy)
‘I now write in my subconscious mind the idea of God’s wealth. God is the Source of my supply and God is the life principle within me. And I now that I am alive. And all my needs are met at every moment of time and point of space. And God’s wealth flows freely, joyously and ceaselessly into my experience. and I give thanks for God’s riches forever circulating in my experience.’ (Joseph Murphy)