Our Beliefs determine the direction of our reality. If we hold predominantly positive thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, such as, happiness, peace, love, forgiveness, encouragement, giving, helping, compassion, kindness, health, prosperity, confidence, faith, trust, abundance, ability, success, achievement, creation and connection to God our reality can only be positive.
Vice versa, if we hold within us a negative mindset with overwhelming thoughts and feelings of negativity, such as, sadness, disease, depression, lack, limitation, injustice, hopelessness, inadequacy, bad self image, low self esteem, inability, anger, resentment, jealousy, envy, unhappiness, bitterness, failure, arrogance, competitiveness, judgment, hate, mockery, and condemnation our reality can only reflect that truth that and it is expressed as a negative reality.
The truth is that most people focus more on the negative side of things.
The truth is that most people focus more on the negative side of things.
Rather than focusing on the positive and what we can do or want, we think in terms of why things cannot be done or are hard. People think in term of problems rather than solutions, we need to think of us reaching our goals. The aim is to learn and to develop solutions based thinking patterns and beliefs. See good and it will be good.
‘The Subconscious Mind, then, turns into physical reality each of our beliefs. If we
find lack, limitation, disease, and failure in our lives, we can be very sure that our
own convictions have brought them. It seems strange most of us find it so much
easier to attach our beliefs to negative things rather than positive, but there is no
doubt but that this is mankind’s tendency.’ Uell S. Andersen
Our beliefs are the reason behind our reality.
Our beliefs are the reason behind our reality.
If we want to experience a different reality it is crucial that we learn to do some ‘reverse engineering’ by studying our current reality in order to uncover what beliefs created this reality. Thus, if we are unhappy with the current reality, it is important to discover what beliefs are hurting us and stopping us from changing or creating a new and desired reality. Our chief goal is to have positive beliefs and a positive consciousness. To become people that choose to see the good and to look for goodness in everything and everyone, rather, than choosing to find fault, defect and to see with eyes of negativity and limitation.
What are beliefs?
What are beliefs?
Beliefs are thought patterns and habits of behaviors, words, and feelings, that our conscious mind induced and deduced from our physical senses and our life’s experiences. From the moment we are born every encounter and situation and experience, as well as sound, image, and people, all had an impact and influenced what we believe or not. Thus, anything that we see, touch, feel, smell, hear, or taste contributes to and enables our mind to form opinions, to decide and to classify these experience as good or bad or belief or non-belief. if an event only happens once, it might not be enough to create a belief, but over time and over the course of our life, we have many similar experiences and thoughts that result in beliefs, patterns, and habits. These beliefs, patterns, and habits translate into words, actions/behaviors, feelings, and emotions that we focus on or repeat. They essentially create our reality.
In order to experience a positive reality, we have to understand our beliefs system. We need to learn what is stopping us from moving forward and what truth we must adopt and believe, in order to grow and live a meaningful life. We need to perform a self-analysis, to find out what are the beliefs that are hurting us and blocking our progress. What we want to understand and uncover is what thinking habits and beliefs did we hold in the past, since they created this negative and unwanted reality.
In order to experience a positive reality, we have to understand our beliefs system. We need to learn what is stopping us from moving forward and what truth we must adopt and believe, in order to grow and live a meaningful life. We need to perform a self-analysis, to find out what are the beliefs that are hurting us and blocking our progress. What we want to understand and uncover is what thinking habits and beliefs did we hold in the past, since they created this negative and unwanted reality.
We need to ask ourselves some hard and serious questions. We need to look in the mirror and be honest with ourselves. If what we uncover does not make us happy or feel good, then we can be sure that we are not thinking and vibrating at the right frequency.
We need to know whether we are predominantly positive or negative?Do we think in constructive or expanding terms or in limitation and contraction? Are we fearful? Are we anxious? Are we worried? Are we sad or happy? Are we self-centered and egocentric? Are we generous? Are we forgiving? Do we think of others or it’s all about me? Are we angry and bitter? Are we able to express ourselves or are we repressing emotions? Are we judgemental? Are we kind and compassionate? Are we calm? Are we trusting? Are we honest? Do we have integrity? Are we happy for others? Are we competitive? Are we grateful? Are we spiritual? Are we materialistic? Are we greedy? Are we frugal? Are we users or givers? Do we give back? Are we critical? Do we give up easily? Do we believe in a Higher Being the Creator? Are we seeking God? Are we connecting to our Inner self? Do we look inward or outward for solutions and answers? What beliefs do we hold concerning love, health, money, relationship, prosperity, supply, forgiveness, work, friendship, men/women, animals, earth, creation, goals, purpose, soul, ego, God?
When we perform a true and honest introspection about what we hold true and believe and when we face the truth (about what we must believe), only then can we start to change. Our work is to change, replace and delete our old limited beliefs and to start adopting new positive beliefs.
‘Through the great law of attraction, all things come to him who believes in them; and
every circumstance of your life inevitably has been attracted to you by your own
beliefs. You are, literally, a product of your own thought. You are what you think;
only that, nothing more.’ Uell S. Andersen
Examples of limiting beliefs:
I can’t find love because there is something wrong with the way I look or think or talk
How can anyone love me I am so…
I am so evil that there is no way back for me…
If I fall in love my heart will get broken…
I am afraid to ask for what I want because I might get hurt or rejected?
I can’t trust people because people are bad, mean untrusting, out to get me, want to use me…
I don’t deserve to live because I am bad
I can’t pursue my life dreams because I don’t have enough money, I don’t have what it takes, what if I fail…
I can’t succeed because …
I can’t start my own business because…
I don’t have a social life because …
I am alone because…
I am sick because…
I can’t get healthy…
I am not intelligent…
I have no talent or skills…
I can’t afford this…
I wish I could have a better job
I am hopeless
I wish I had my own business but…
To think and hold these negative beliefs (or similar ones) only harms and blocks us from experiencing happy positive lives. If this is how we think then we must stop ASAP, because the only limitation or lack that is, is in our mind. When we are honest and acknowledge that in the past we held and today we might still hold some limiting beliefs buried deep within us, it is due time to change our old ways of thinking, and the negative beliefs attached. But before we can even deal with deleting these negative beliefs, we need to realize that in order to see a lasting change we need to first cultivate a positive consciousness and frame of mind. We need to be positive beings. We need to understand why we held such negative beliefs, and how wrong we were. We need to know and have the right consciousness and the attached positive beliefs that ensue.
The first step in changing our beliefs is to see and identify the problem. We need to admit that we have limiting beliefs. The reason being, that in the past we had a predominantly negative way of seeing things and thinking. Our mind was not and is still not a fertile soil for growing positive beliefs. We need to clean the soil of our mind and not simply take out the weeds (bad thoughts). Having a fertile soil i.e. positive mindset (consciousness) and having sunlight and water i.e. positive thinking, talk, and behavior, allows our seeds i.e positive thoughts to grow into beautiful fruits i.e positive experiences and reality.
Step two is to develop and adopt a new positive frame of mind. We need to have a fertile soil a positive mindset before we can see beautiful fruits i.e. reality. We need to start by accepting and understanding that a positive reality is our birthright. We need to become conscious and aware that not only do we deserve but that it is our natural and Divine right to have health, happiness, love, wealth and peace. When this Eternal Truth starts to permeate our being it is then easier to let go of beliefs that are to the contrary. In the same vein, it is then easy to rethink our belief system and to develop new positive patterns and habits, that support what we truly deserve and are so grateful to see realized.
Step three is the actual letting go of our old limiting beliefs. With a new positive mindset, it is easy to affirm, with feeling and conviction, that we no longer think and hold those destructive beliefs (we then state with emotion what harmful beliefs we are releasing and no longer believe in). We speak and explain to our mind that these beliefs are negative, that they hurt and harm our growth and positive expansion. That they go against our Divine right to have a good and positive life. We can write our own custom affirmations that explain (to our subconscious mind) why we no longer believe in these beliefs and how wrong it was in the first place.
We also affirm with emotion that we want to remedy the situation, by adopting new positive beliefs, ones that reflect the Eternal Truth and our Divine right. Once we do this mental clean up, with emotion, sincerity, and faith, it is only a question of time to see and experience a change in our reality.
When we embrace a new positive frame of mind and reject opposing and limiting beliefs (since they go against what we now understand and know as Truth), the process to clean and free our mind (conscious and subconscious) is on its way, being done. We must use positive affirmations and positive behavior, with persistence and consistency, in order to support our new desire and in order to let go of the old harmful and destructive beliefs. Repetition is the key to develop habits and to learn new things (good or bad).
Step four is meditation or visualization. The more we practice meditation and ponder on the Eternal Truth along with saying our positive affirmations (with emotion), the fastest we will succeed (and convince our subconscious mind that we desire this change). When we truly understand and believe that we deserve to be healthy, happy, prosperous and peaceful then it is not hard to see it in our mind and feel it in our heart. But if we have a hard time believing that we deserve good, then it will be difficult to get rid of these bad beliefs.
For example;
If you think and hold the belief that you do not deserve or that you cannot be healthy, then how can you be healthy? The Universe returns to you what you send out.
If you do not believe that it is your Divine right to be healthy, then, how can you get rid of the thought ‘ I am sick’ and the limited beliefs that ‘you cannot be healthy’ or ‘you cannot heal’, or how will you adopt a positive belief that states ‘I am healthy’ and ‘there is no disease in my body’.
We are the ones that set the tone and direction for our reality. When we comprehend this, on a deep and practical level, we are then able to correct and alter our thoughts, actions, and words. We are then able to say with feeling ‘I am in perfect health’, I am healing and I am doing better every day’. Or ‘ God restores my body to perfect health.’ Positive thoughts need to germinate in a fertile garden with fertile soil. Thus, we must make sure that we have a positive frame of mind and outlook.
We need to pay close attention to what we think about most.
We must guard our mind and thoughts. We also need to stir away the negative thoughts that come up. Simultaneously, we can also start to imprint our mind with new positive thoughts. We do this over and over until practice makes perfect. We persist until we feel as true our new beliefs. We have succeeded to adopt new positive habits of thinking and behaving when it no longer feels like hard work, but rather, positive thinking is now automatic for us. Thus, the new neuropathways in our mind support our Divine birthright to be happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful.
We must guard our mind and thoughts. We also need to stir away the negative thoughts that come up. Simultaneously, we can also start to imprint our mind with new positive thoughts. We do this over and over until practice makes perfect. We persist until we feel as true our new beliefs. We have succeeded to adopt new positive habits of thinking and behaving when it no longer feels like hard work, but rather, positive thinking is now automatic for us. Thus, the new neuropathways in our mind support our Divine birthright to be happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful.