(Summary explanation of the works by Dr. Joseph Murphy and Dr. Wayne Dyer)
The reference to, ‘I Am That I Am’, is from the Bible (Book of Exodus, Chapter 3), Where God commands Moses to go to Pharaoh and free the children of Israel from bondage and slavery. Moses then asks God what he should say to the children of Israel when they ask him the name of God, the God of their father’s. God tells Moses that there is only One God, (they shall have no other Gods).
God tells Moses to say, ‘I Am, That, I Am’.
‘I Am’ sent you (the Lord God of your father’s Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). This is his name forever.
Thus, when we speak the words, ‘I Am’, we are announcing the presence of the Living God within us.
When we say the word, ‘That’, we are declaring ourselves to be that which we want to be, which we would like to be.
The second ‘I am’ means the answered prayer, achievement fulfillment of our desire, dream, or aspiration.
When we say, I Am, That, I Am, we feel ourselves to be what we longed to be.
We are absorbed, focused, interested, fascinated, in our goal or ideal.
It starts to feel in our mind what we impressed in our subconscious and also expressed upon the screen of space.
We see victory and achievement and the perfection of the thing we want to be.
We must feel illuminated, inspired, Divinely guided, made whole, since whenever we attach to ‘I Am’ with feeling and understanding will ‘become’ the very thing.
For example, if we’re looking for our true place in life we can use a simple prayer (by Joseph Murphy). It has been used by many people around the world, it works in a wonderful way.
The prayer is, ‘I am in my true place, I am doing what I love to do. I’m Divinely happy. I’m Divinely prospered’. Say that feelingly, knowingly and meaningfully. And then the deeper mind will take over and open up all doors for us. Our hidden talents will be revealed to us, the door will open up and we will find ourselves in our true place.
This means we are expressing ourselves at our highest possible level. Higher, means awareness, the Life-Principle, Unconditioned Consciousness, Being, the Limitless One, it means God, the Holy One, the Eternal. The Hindus use the word ‘Aum’ which means the same thing.
Thus, we must say (for example) I am whole, I am perfect, I’m vital, I am strong.
In the Bible, it says to let the weak or widow say I am strong. The goal is to affirm positive words and desires and to ignore seeming negativity, our current or past reality. We must take our attention away from our seeming problem, whether it’s sickness, limitation, be it what it may, we need to focus our attention on our ideal, our goal, our objective. We need to claim ourselves to be what we long to be, and rejoice and feel it. And then the old condition (disease, poverty, loneliness…) will pass away and we will experience the joy of the answered prayer.
The Bible says behold, ‘I Am’, meaning, God makes everything anew. The Bible says we shall not need to fight in this battle, we can set ourselves free, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. This means we will see solutions to our problems and answers to our prayers. We will be saved.
Saved from what? From fear, ignorance, superstition, sickness, disease, lack, and limitation of all kinds.
Why is that? Because we are aware of the God presence within and our capacity to contact It. When we call upon It, it answers us, It will be with us in our times of trouble. We have connected to It, we know It’s name, nature and the way It works. Whoever turns to God, listens to God within, will be answered, God is seeking to express Himself at higher levels through us. Our Subconscious mind is the channel of the Divine.
We must listen to the murmurings and whisperings of our heart. God is forever saying to us come on up higher, He waits for us, our desire is the gift of God, the realization of our desires our rescue, liberation from fear, disease, lack, limitation… In the same way that if we were lost in the woods, Divine guidance or the light of God would illumine our pathway and reveal to us the way out. If we were sick, healing would be our rescue. The answer is always within us and the saving Consciousness is within us.
The Bible explains to quiet the wheels of our mind and call upon this Infinite Intelligence which dwells within us and responds to what we ask. Meaning it becomes the embodiment of our ideal. We must have a deep conviction that all is well in spite of all the reasons and conditions seems to be impossible.
We must remain unmoved, live in the atmosphere of victory and victory will be ours.
Having seen the end we thus, ‘will’ whatever we desire into being. Keep contemplating the happy ending realized.
All the power of the God within will flood the focal point of attention.
God creates and divides Himself into two, namely, male and female. All things are made that way. Our conscious mind is the male aspect, our subconscious is the female aspect. Whatever we impress upon the subconscious or the female aspect of ourselves, the subconscious brings forth whether good bad, or indifferent.
When we describe our self as a man, lawyer, English, etc…, these are facts about our self and limiting ones. Since God is limitless, these words we use are the condition state of the unconditioned being. It is constructive expressions of the infinite but God is unlimited. God is infinite, man is something particular. Man is the individualization of God consciousness. Emerson said, ‘every man is God walking the earth’ so man is God in limitation and therefore we are born with certain endowments, certain talents, and abilities. We’re unique as no one in all the world is like us. We are all different yet equal in the eyes of God.
We need to remember that we can also use the words, ‘I Am’ in the negative, by saying, I am sick, I am broke, I am lost we are attaching these realities to I Am.
The words sink down from our conscious mind to our subconscious mind. Like seeds, they grow after their kind.
Therefore, we need to make sure not to attach anything to ‘I am’ that is not noble, Godlike and dignified.
The kingdom of God is within our self, within our own consciousness, it’s our awareness being, it’s the invisible part of us, it’s our mind, our consciousness, our thoughts, our imagination, our feelings, our beliefs.
The invisible part of us, our state of consciousness is what we think and believe. It’s what we feel, it is what we imagine our self to be.
Therefore, our state of consciousness is whatever we think, feel, live, and give mental consent to.
All these things are dramatized on the screen of space of our consciousness. It is God that Creates our destiny.
Our state of consciousness is the sum total of our conscious and subconscious thinking, feeling and believing.
Therefore, go within our own consciousness, our own mind and there we claim to be what we want to be and Spirit within will honor, validate, and execute it.
Go within, shut the door of your senses, pray to God, to the secret power, it’s the life principle within us. It’s the source of all things.
At the beginning there was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, the word is the thought expressed. It’s creative.
In other words, the beginning and the end are the same, the thought and the manifestation our one outfit, therefore thought and what we feel we attract and gained.
Therefore, whatever we want, we go to our consciousness for it, God within, our Subconscious mind.
That’s the meaning of ‘first seek the kingdom’ of heaven and the “righteousness”, the right use of the law.
Our concept, of our self, determines our future now, our world is called good and very good because it is the likeness, the image, and likeness of the consciousness, which made it.
The law of God is perfect, the law is always perfect. Because if we are conscious of being one thing and then we express something other than what we claim and feel and believe to be true, that would be a violation of the law, it wouldn’t be good.
Isn’t it natural for an apple seed to become an apple tree seeds, to grow after their kind?
Therefore if we feel one thing in our heart and express something else on the screen of space that would be a violation of the law of being.
A man that is full of hatred, resentment, hostility can’t express love, peace, beauty, joy or anything else in his life.
These negative emotions get snarl-up in the subconscious mind and being negative must have a negative outcome, outlet.
The law is not bad or being broken, the law as we said, is always perfect, it brings forth the likeness of man’s conception of himself.
We must remember how the Bible, i.e. the Hebrews defined the One, God the One in our Inner Most Being. God is eternal, absolute, one whole, complete, perfect, indivisible, timeless, shapeless, and ageless, without face, form, or figure, the silent brooding presence fixed in the hearts of all men.
I am is everything. Every single thing we see is God made, and manifest.
God appears in the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the mud, the earth and He is every single thing. God is becoming all these things.
For example, we can say ‘I am’ announcing the presence of God.
Whenever we say ‘I am’ we need to remember we are announcing the presence of the Living God within us. Through the ages, people kept looking for miracles and secret powers and all this time the word (‘I Am’) is in their mouth a thousand times a day.
It’s called “I am” announcing, it’s pure being, it’s the reality of us, the living spirit within us. It was never born it will never die.
the Bible says happy is the man that does not condemn himself and allows the Life Principle. God in. It is to realize that we must stop with condemnation, and realize that we can now claim what we want to be.
We can claim that we now possess what we longed to possess, we can now claim that we’re doing what we longed to do.
We can live in that mental atmosphere which will gradually sink down by osmosis from our conscious to our subconscious and become a conviction as we nourish it and sustain it.
Then our limitation will disintegrate and we will rise, from the ashes of the old us and become our new self. We must die the current ‘I Am’ before we can live what we long to be. We must let go of the belief in poverty and embrace the belief in God’s opulence, let go of the belief in sickness and believe it’s God’s will for us to be healthy, happy, joyous, free, vital and strong. We must believe and claim that the wholeness of God is flowing through us.
It is imperative of the utmost importance to take our attention away from the multitude of reasons why we can’t achieve something. We must focus our attention on our ideal and desire. Nourish and sustain it and the answer will come. Time will come and the shadows will flee away. We must remember that God is a Living Spirit within us. Moving as Unity. God is all bliss, all peace, all harmony, all joy, all love, boundless wisdom, Infinite Intelligence and absolute and indescribable beauty.
Now, remember that we cannot contact the God presence within if we’re full of cruelty, self-pity, condemnation, or ill-will.
When we pray we’re told to forgive if we want God to forgive us. The Bible stipulates that to be able to offer our gift at the altar we need to make peace with our brother and then offer our gift.
Our gift is our desire, the altar is our own mind, where we walk and talk with God.
The only gifts we can give God is praise and thanksgiving, singing, being thankful, blessing his name.
But we must come to God with no blemish or negative emotions in the heart.
Love is the fulfilling of the law, the law of health, happiness and peace. Therefore, when we go to God we must be full of love and goodwill.
Love is the outreaching of the heart, it’s an emanation of goodwill, it is wishing for all men what we wish for our self.
Thus, we wish for those who hurt us, love, peace, harmony, joy, and all the blessings of life.
We know when we have truly forgiven when we hear of some marvelous news about someone who wronged us, cheated or swindled us, or said unkind things about us or undermined us, and we don’t feel upset or bothered by the good news, if we did it would mean that the roots of hatred are still there in our subconscious mind, playing havoc with us.
Because the healing power of God does not flow through a contaminated consciousness.
no more so than the water flows through a sink when the pipe is all clogged up, perhaps the pipe is full of corrosion or rust or debris or sand or something, the plumber comes and removes it. But the water was always waiting to flow through, likewise, the healing power of God is within us.
We don’t create it, it’s called the Holy Spirit, the spirit of wholeness.
All diseases, fragmentation, is separation from the Divine, therefore, we must be in a state of purity and wholeness when we turn to God. That’s love.
The answers and the healing will then come.
The Bible says, in the beginning, God, in other words, we need to put God first in our life.
Do we put something before God, do we say I’m too busy, or we do not give power to any creed, thing, do not give power to sticks or stones or stars or Suns or moons or men or conditions or circumstances. Everything is subject to change the thinker is greater than thought, the artist is greater than his art and the Creator is greater than its creation. The scientific thinkers, gives allegiance, devotion, and loyalty to the One within. It is the only presence, the only power, the only calls, the only substance, the minute we give power to any other thing in the world we’re practicing idolatry.
In other words, we are cohabiting with evil in the bed of our own mind.